• IVDR certification
  • ZytoVision - a ZYTOMICS company
  • VisionArray FUNGI
  • ZytoMation
  • FlexISH ® ALK/ROS1 DistinguISHTM Probe
  • Flexish
  • VisionArray HPV
  • ZytoDot ® 2C SPEC ALK Break Apart Probe
  • ZytoFast ® EBV Probe

Knowledge Center

The FISH Expert Evaluation Workshop

ZytoVision has expanded its Corporate Education and Knowledge Center to offer numerous seminars and workshops. Our new FISH EXPERT EVALUATION WORKSHOPS are focusing on the importance of FISH in routine diagnostics and the evaluation of difficult FISH slides in all important indications. Each of the workshops will be performed by external well educated pathologists. The content will be including a combination of lectures and practical FISH sessions to provide an overview about the basic principles and the interpretation of the individual FISH cases.


  • Next Workshop: Probably at the end of 2020
  • Number of participants: max. 9
  • Dinner
  • Place: of Workshop ZytoVision GmbH, Fischkai 1, D-27572 Bremerhaven, Germany
  • Hotel: Best Western Plus Hotel Bremerhaven, Fischkai 2, D-27572 Bremerhaven, Germany

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For futher information and registration please contact our helptech-team or your local dealer.

IVDR 2017/746
ISO 9001
ISO 13485
ZytoVision GmbH


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